Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week 4: Nature vs. Nurture

Nature endows us with inborn abilities and traits while nurture shapes our genetic tendencies as we grow and mature. It is true that our DNA definitely has a role in shaping on how intelligent we are or how our personalities shape up as we grow. However, I believe that Nurture plays a larger role in defining who we are and how we behave and interact at the end of the day. For instance, if environment didn't play a part then ideally identical twins should be exactly same in all aspects! I believe our families, their upbringing, education, religion, peer groups, media and other such social factors play a very significant role in shaping our personality. As mentioned in the book, the unsocialized children namely the 'Wild Boy of Aveyron' and 'Genie' are examples of how different a human beings can be when prevented from interacting with the society. Furthermore, violent, aggressive, alcoholic or a sexually pervert person is not born that way; his experiences in life with family, peer groups and other such agents of socialization makes him like that. How a child behaves and reacts to situations and circumstances depends on how his parents, friends or teachers might have reacted to a similar situation or what they might have asked him to do in a situation like that. So to what extent are we a product of Nature or Nurture depends on how the two interact and not just one factor.

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe that our DNA plays a role in shaping how intelligent you are or your personalities, it's about how you choose to discipline your self while studying and the people around you. My cousin grow up with my grandmother and they have the same personality despite her mother being completely different.
