Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 8: Why we should care about Global Inequality?

Rapid globalization has a huge impact on the future of global inequality. The question is: Why/How does Global Inequality matter to us? The truth is it is incorrect to look at inequality as being solely an issue to the poor as the fact remains that is is intrinsically connected to wealth. For instance, the ease with which corporations move from one country to another might result in falling wages for many people in high income countries and rising wages for  some in low-income countries. Globalization has intertwined countries and detaching one from the other is not easy. Where our country falls in this global stratification of economies effects most of our economic activities such as the prices we pay for goods and services, size and strength of our economy, the availability of technology and the quality of education, health and employment we receive. Each country has a lot to offer and contribute to the world either in a positive  or a negative way. Hence, each individual making up a society is affected by global inequality and also equally contributes to it.

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