The video ‘Shift Happens’ is definitely an eye opener!! The fascinating video shows the accelerating pace of change in already turbulent times. The 6 minute presentation exemplifies the need to change our educational system, our organizations and our attitudes towards the world. It is imperative that certain amendments be made to our current existing systems so that our coming generations are aware of some of the changes that might happen in terms of increasing information and knowledge and be prepared for it. For instance, we need to realize that America definitely is a great country but probably cannot be the best forever. Students in this country need to realize that they need to keep up with the changing world in order to be in par with the students worldwide who are competing with the United States in every possible way. American students should not take the growing importance of India and China in a negative manner, but rather understand that these are additional global opportunities for everyone.
The technological advancement has made immense amount of information available to everyone in a much more mobile form. Improved IT has been the major driver of economic growth and improved quality of life. IT has been the reason for advancements in education, health care, business and much safer, faster, secure communication. However, according to some critics these advancements in IT are also responsible for detracting us from our lives in some ways. Even though there is some truth in this statement, I am a firm believer in the fact that it is up to us (the human race) to strike a balance. Many chapters in the text book laid emphasis on globalization, the changing roles of developing nations and their impact on the global economy, urbanization, effects of globalization on our daily lives etc. However, we cannot deny the fact that these same developments have given thousands of people better lives giving them hope and helped them enter mainstream economy and get out of sheer poverty.
It sounds really interesting, thanks for sharing : )